Madu river
The bio-diversity of the Madu River is of monumental signification when considering the wide ranges of aquatic and avian life as well as wetland dwelling amphibians, reptiles, mammals that inhabit the environs of this natural treasure. A total of 11 species of agnatic mollusks and 14 land dwelling mollusks are found in this system. 70 species of fish, 31 types of reptiles, and 50 kinds of butterflies are just some of colorful array of wildlife that inhabits this abundantly bustling eco-system.
Bird watchers will be pleased to know that 111 species of bird have been identified in the mangrove formed environs of the river, and has been known to host several types of migratory birds.
The bio diversity of the Madu River

The bio-diversity of the Madu River is of monumental signification when considering the wide ranges of aquatic and avian life as well as wetland dwelling amphibians, reptiles, mammals that inhabit the environs of this natural treasure. A total of 11 species of agnatic mollusks and 14 land dwelling mollusks are found in this system. 70 species of fish, 31 types of reptiles, and 50 kinds of butterflies are just some of colorful array of wildlife that inhabits this abundantly bustling eco-system. Bird watchers will be pleased to know that 111 species of bird have been identified in the mangrove formed environs of the river, and has been known to host several types of migratory birds.
Historical background of Madu River

Apart from the bountifully wondrous ecological treasures to be sighted, the river safari will also appeal on a level of historical and cultural experiences with visit to the numerous islets and atolls that are scattered along with the river. Around 25 such landmasses reported found in madu river with some of these islets are home to local communities who have traditionally inhabited the lands as it populaces’ of witch some are engaged in the lucrative vocation of cinnamon peeling. The islet known as ‘Koth duwa’ is home to an ancient Buddhist temple that dates back to the days of Sinhala kings of lankawa. The islet known as ‘Maduwa’ and ‘Katuduwa’ has been places of refuge of king Dhathusena and king Mugalan respectively.

Step aboard the gangabada asiriya river safari boat ride to fill your senses with a journey abound in splendorous natural beauty and knowledge of ecology which is also an enriching experience of cultural and historical value that will make a lasting mesmeric impression of the sri lanka.
Mangroves of Madu River
The wetland of the Madu River holds a mangrove spread of close to 61 hectares. This natural wonder has proven of immense bio-ecological value with 14 out of the 24 varieties of mangroves of sri lanka , being found in this environment. Amongst this spectacular natural treasure is the Lumnitzera Littoria plant which is variety unique to the plant life found in this system. The world organization for nature conservation has identified 302 varieties of plants in the wetland areas surrounding the Madu River from which 19 are indigenous to this area.
Islands of the Madu River

It was mentioned that there were 64 islands of Madu River in the past. Maa duwa , Are the main human settlement island among of them. As well as there are human settlement in many islands. Today it is reported that there are 25 Island of Madu River.
Birds watching

Many species of birds are found in many of the island around the lagoon. Most of the migrated birds from other countries also can be seen. In most of these islands there are some people who earn their living by peeling cinnamon. Most of the guest watches the cinnamon peeling.